sábado, 2 de maio de 2015

Os dias da semana e os meses do ano

 The days of the week are seven. They are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (Domingo, Segunda, Terça, Quarta, Quinta, Sexta e Sábado). 

Pronúncia de cada um:

Sunday= "Sandei" 
Monday= "Mondei"
Tuesday= "Tchusdei"
Wednesday= "Wenesdei" (o 'd' praticamente some)
Thursday= o 'th'com som de uma mistura de s e f colocando a língua entre os dentes, ver alfabeto fonético, algo como  "Fursdei"
Friday= "Fraidei"
Saturday= "Saetchiurdei" ou "Sétchiurdei"

Todos os dias da semana começam com letra maiúscula.
All days of the week are started with capital letter. 

A preposição usada para dizer/the preposition used to say 'na segunda, no sábado', etc é/is ON. Então ficará sempre/it will always be: on Mondays,  on Saturdays... você NUNCA vai dizer/you'll NEVER say  'at Monday, at Friday'. 

Forma abreviada/short form: Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri and Sat. 

On Mondays I use to attend to a pre-university examination course and give English classes/lessons;
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I take French classes/lessons;
On Wednesdays I stay at  home;
On Fridays and  Saturdays I go out with my friends;
On Sundays  I take a rest, because Iam busy the whole week!!

And what about you? What do you do during the week? Tell me about  your activities in all these days, one by one! And I dare you to translate what I told about myself above. 

Os meses do ano (the months of the year)

There are 12 (twelve) months  in the year. Tthey are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.

Short form: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov and  Dec.


January= "Janwari"

February= "Febrwari"

March= "Marsh/March"

April= Eipril"

May= "Mei"

June= "Djun" ( 'n' mudo , 'e' some)

July= "Djulai" 

August= "Ougust" 

September= "Sptembãr"

October=  "Octobãr"

 November= "Novembãr"

December= "Dicembãr"

 All of them in capital letter (letra maiúscula),  followed by preposition "IN". 

Ex: In December mornings= in the mornings of December 

To say/speak about a specific date we say the day using ordinal numbers: on/the April 2nd, May 1st, June 12th....

Good practice!!!     
In case of any doubts contact me (em caso de dúvidas, entrem me contato).

Here's a good song to practise by listening the  days of the week's names. 

Obs: Algumas coisas estão sem tradução intencionalmente para que vocês aprendam a entender em inglês. Em alguns casos, o  uso de um dicionário é necessário.

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